Camp Nan A Bo Sho (NABS), a YMCA summer sleepaway camp in Lakewood, Wisconsin, is hiring for Summer 2025. Camp NABS operates for up to 13 weeks, starting in late May to August, with campers arriving to Northern Wisconsin in June. Camp NABS focuses on providing an inclusive and safe experience for children to discover more about themselves in an environment that grows lifelong friendships and support. Spend this summer outside kayaking, painting, fishing, hiking, playing games and doing all the things you loved as child. Positions available include: Program DirectorSports DirectorWaterfront DirectorTeen Leadership Director Health & Safety Director Mental Health/Behavioral DirectorChallenge Course DirectorTrail/Wilderness Trip DirectorArt/Nature DirectorWilderness Trip LeadersFemale CounselorsMale CounselorsJunior Camp Counselors (under the age of 18). Additional information about working at camp, and in-depth positions descriptions can be found at:
Returning Camp Staff can quick apply here: